2024 Hard Fall Race Update #1

34 teams have already signed up for this year’s race! Of those, exactly half signed up in the packraft division. In addition, we have been able to source a sizable number of rafts for use by those that do not own their own packrafts.

As a result, we have decided to move to a packraft ONLY event!

We are very excited for this change, but it does mean we’ve had to lower the cap to 50 for racers needing boats. As I write this, there are 47 slots full (47 once all registered teams fill their rosters).

That means we only have registration space for 1 more team that need packrafts.

For those that do own your own rafts, there is currently no cap, but that’s no reason to delay signing up – pricing only goes up as the race gets closer!

To register, visit this page: Hard Fall 24hr Adventure Race 2024 (runsignup.com)

Several people have reached out either looking to join a team, or hoping to find someone to join their existing one. To help connect fellow racers, I created this simple spreadsheet which you can add your name to and browse at any time to find teammates.

Lastly, one question I’ve been asked by several people – “Will we be required to carry our packrafts during the race or will they be staged”? The answer is they will be staged, there won’t be any legs you are REQUIRED to carry them, though there may be parts where you choose to.